Happy New Year
I have no choice but to start this year out with full and complete trust in God. I have some big life changes coming and frankly it’s terrifying.
I must relinquish control and for those of you that know me, may know I’m the textbook definition of a complete control freak, those of you who are just getting to know me, well just take our word for it! It’s easier said than done to put my whole life in his hands.
How many times do we tell loved ones and friends going through stuff to give it to God and trust in his plan for their life? It’s easy to preach it and shoot, it's even easy to believe that God will help them and that his plan for their life is perfect. It’s not so easy believing it in our own life though.
So how do we grow in faith this way? How do we believe with our whole heart and mind he is in complete control of everything including us and our lives? How do we really accept that his plan for us is perfect and to not harm us, but give us hope and a future?
Well first we can go straight to scripture for guidance. Mark 12:30-31 states that “You shall Love the Lord God with all your heart, all your soul, your entire mind, and all your strength.” So, we can start there. Just start to love God with everything, not with a little with ALL. Build a relationship with him, tell him your worries and your fears and share with him your needs and desires, he longs to have a relationship with us! We were created just for that purpose. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Try to trust, make it a practice every day to say, “Jesus I trust in you, help me to fully trust in you.” Tell him why you’re scared to trust, for me I must be honest and admit to him that I have trouble submitting to him (or anyone for that matter) because I like to be in control, it’s what makes me feel stable and safe. I have just started to ask him to help me with this, to give me a submissive and trusting heart towards him.
Lastly, I have read this scripture until I can memorize it. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future”. This verse may be hard to believe at first but the more you meditate on it the more it fills your heart. I’ve also come to realize that his plans may look way different than mine, and they may not be in my time, but in his. I may not feel currently that his plans are helping me prosper and they may not feel very hopeful now, however I must remember that his plans are always perfect, and they are always good for those who are called according to his plan. Life is fleeting. I can try to control my whole world, but I am just hindering his perfect plan in my life. He is way better equipped to run my life than I am. He did however create me (with a plan in place), and you, and everything in this world.
Sometimes we just have no choice but to Give it to God and just see what he can do! Today friends, if you're struggling in life like I am currently wondering what Gods got planned for your future, I pray you go to him and ask him for strength to believe in his plan and to help you to trust him fully, with ALL your heart! Be blessed today…. “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10
Your sister in Christ.